This is what the well-known Eugen Ionesco stated about Mr.Radu Beligan but also added that he could not admit it publicly because of his "working relationships" with the famous actor and the establishment.
Indeed, if we think about his 70 year old acting career which has witnessed many phases in the development of the theatrical tradition and also general society, Mr. Beligan had a wealth of ideas to share with his audience on 14th November in Bacau, at his special event simply titled "Confessions about Life and Art" / "Confesiuni despre viata si arta".

For more than 2 hours, Mr. Beligan shared with us ideas, moods and exemplified values of a lifetime... What does it mean "to continuously keep the student state"? What does it mean "to come to peace with humanity"? What does it mean "to stop clinging to words and be able to swim"? What does it mean "to live at the crossroads of dead empires"? What does it mean to live a 90 year old life because of Love of life?
The history of the traditional theatre was drawn in subtle lines, while pinpointing the key personalities that had the power and will to create history itself: Mrs. Lucia Sturdza-Bulandra (with her feminine greatness), Victor Ion Popa (with his invaluable experimentation), Alexandru Giugaru, Ion Iacovescu, Elvira Godeanu, George Vraca, Sica Alexandrescu and, of course, Grigore Vasiliu Birlic.
What does it feel like, I wonder, that after 140 roles played in "O scrisoare pierduta"/"A Lost Letter", by I.L.Caragiale, Mr. Beligan can finally find "the perfect role" in Agamita Dandanache? How can talent be defined as "long-lived patience"? Only Mr. Beligan can say these, remaining what Andrei Plesu stated once: "the good consciousness of the Romanian theatre".
This was an experience which had such a great impact on the audience because this 'life and art' was intensified with more meaning and value through the very specific of the Romanian East-European spirit of the place - 100% pure culture- Absolutely Priceless!