Friday, August 13, 2010

130 Years of Diplomatic Relations

The year 1880 marked the beginning of the modern Romanian diplomacy, with most distinguished scholars and ambassadors like Ion Ghica in London, Vasile Alecsandri in Paris and Mihail Kogalniceanu in Berlin, who set a high morality and character standard (how seldom can we see this nowadays!) and who succeeded in defining Romania on the map of Europe at that crucial time - all under the careful scrutinizing gaze of King Carol I.
The temporary exhibition "130 Years of Diplomatic Relations from 1880. Partners in Europe" at the Union Museum in Iasi has been set up with the mutual help of the German, British and French Embassies in Bucharest.
It's a unique experience the cool majestic feeling inside the intimate yet imposing House in Lapusneanu Street that used to host so many of the royal and noble family members, while taking a quiet tour of what was and still is a truly remarkable episode in the history of Europe.