Probably the best audiobook I have ever listened to is the delightful discussion between Mr. Horia Roman Patapievici and Mr. Andrei Plesu under the title Inapoi la argument / Back to the Argument - We have a life. What do we do with it?
This is a universal question, after all, for each of us, no matter the time, no matter the place, and finding answers to it represents the very basis of our existence. The two Romanian scholars try to help us in our own quest:
1. Stop and think: you need moments of self-reflection
2. Get out of roles: if you take too many roles, you'll miss your life
3. Start the day with something you like
4. Have little pleasures with a few friends (e.g. talking)
5. Have a good sense of humour: this will help you take distance from things
6. Think of death: it will help you make things relative
7. Find your own CENTRE: probably the most difficult to do. It can be an intellectual project, a person, a mission...
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